• Sabtu, 18/01/2020 16:01 WIB
  • OPM And Their Political Wings Must Be Banned

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    • indonews
OPM And Their Political Wings Must Be Banned
Toni Ervianto, is Papua`s issue observer. (Foto: Ist)

By :  Toni Ervianto*) 

INDONEWS.ID -- TPN/OPM existence and their political wings such as United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP,  West Papua National Authority or WPNA,  West Papua Federal Republic State or NRFPB,  Papua Students Alliance or AMP,  West Papua National Committee or KNPB and others civilian organization must be banned in Papua and West Papua. 

Baca juga : Bakar SDN Inpres Pogapa Intan Jaya, TPNPB-OPM: Merdeka Dulu Baru Sekolah

Why must be banned?  TPN/OPM has been intensively done several criminals and hunan rights violence activities such as killing civilian society and non combatant persons such as bicycle drivers,  toll road workers, and non Papuan citizens etc,  meantime ULMWP etc have been done several activities which is smearing democracy such as clamoring the urgency of referendum for Papua and self determination dan referendum, indeed Papua`s integration to Indonesia was final solutions. ULMWP etc has been celebrating every May 1 each years as annexated day but trully those day is Mayday and Papua`s integration day. ULMWP etc have been glitched New York Agreement, indeed its legal. Meanwhile,  NFRPB has producted ID card for their members and doing prayers activities as the moment to clamor referendum and supporting separatist groups. 

Allegedly by intelligence apparatus and law enforcer, the existence of TPN/OPM and "its wings political" because Papua`s special authonomy fund misuse and at least the government did not tightly supervise .

Baca juga : Tegas! Panglima TNI Buka Suara Soal TPN-OPM Ancam Bunuh Pilot Susi Air

The situations had been crowded by bureaucracy ocnum who were supported OPM and its allies,  and when they were investigated they went to abroad without permit.

Several students from Papua especially who are joining at Papua Student Alliance or AMP which are exist in several provinces and cities around Indonesia which have been supporting separatist had proved always clamoring referendum as final solution to solve Papua`s problem,  which their activities have been surveillanced by state apparatus and waiting to firmly suppress to them, indeed their activities has been using Papua`s special authonomy fund, meanwhile most of nationalist Papua`s student did not receipt Papua`s special authonomy fund.

Baca juga : Respons TPNPB-OPM, TNI: Tidak Ada Pengeboman, Bebaskan Kapten Philip

*) The writer is Papua`s issue observer.

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Bakar SDN Inpres Pogapa Intan Jaya, TPNPB-OPM: Merdeka Dulu Baru Sekolah
Tegas! Panglima TNI Buka Suara Soal TPN-OPM Ancam Bunuh Pilot Susi Air
Respons TPNPB-OPM, TNI: Tidak Ada Pengeboman, Bebaskan Kapten Philip
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